Software Development for the Grape Personal Space Weather Station v2

TitleSoftware Development for the Grape Personal Space Weather Station v2
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2025
AuthorsNguyen, C, Frissell, N, Gibbons, J, Blackwell, B, Engelke, B
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2025
Date Published03/2025
Conference LocationNewark, NJ

The Grape 2 is a three-channel radio receiver and an integral component of the broader Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) project. The PSWS network is a distributed array of radio receivers designed to continuously monitor changes in the Earth's ionosphere. It achieves this by tracking frequency standard stations, such as WWV, WWVH, and CHU, on a 24/7 basis. The system includes software tools for control and monitoring. Each Grape station transmits daily data to a centralized, publicly accessible database hosted by the University of Alabama, where automated processing generates spectrograms. These visualizations provide researchers with rapid insights into ionospheric conditions and enable long-term studies of space weather phenomena. 

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed