Citizen Science: Development of a Low-Cost Magnetometer System for a Coordinated Space Weather Monitoring

TitleCitizen Science: Development of a Low-Cost Magnetometer System for a Coordinated Space Weather Monitoring
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2024
AuthorsVisone, J, Kim, H, Witten, D, Madey, J, Frissell, NA, Gibbons, J, Engelke, WD, Liddle, A, Muscolino, N, Cao, Z
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2024
Date Published03/2024
Conference LocationCleveland, OH

As part of Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) project, a low-cost, commercial off-the-shelf magnetometer has been developed to provide quantitative and qualitative measurements of the geospace environment from the ground for both scientific and operational purposes at a cost that will allow for crowd-sourced data contributions. The PSWS magnetometers employ a magneto-inductive sensor technology to record three-axis magnetic field variations with a field resolution of ~3 nT at a 1 Hz sample rate. Crowd-sourced data from the PSWS systems will be collected into a central archive for the purpose of public access and analyzation along with space weather research. Ultimately, data from the PSWS network will combine the magnetometer measurements with high frequency (HF, 3-30 MHz) radio observations to monitor large scale current systems and ionospheric disturbances and events due to drivers from space and the atmosphere alike. A densely-spaced magnetometer array, once established, will demonstrate their space weather monitoring capability to an unprecedented spatial extent. Magnetic field data obtained by the magnetometers installed at various locations in the US are presented and compared with the existing magnetometers nearby, demonstrating that the performance is entirely satisfactory for scientific investigations.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
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