EclipseNB: A network of low-cost GNSS receivers to study ionospheric response to April 2024 solar eclipse

TitleEclipseNB: A network of low-cost GNSS receivers to study ionospheric response to April 2024 solar eclipse
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2024
AuthorsKashcheyev, A, Watson, C, Jayachandran, PT
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2024
Date Published03/2024
Conference LocationCleveland, OH

EclipseNB is an initiative of the Radio and Space Physics Lab (RSPL) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) that enables high-impact scientific research and unique educational opportunities for High School students during the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse event over New Brunswick (NB) on April 8, 2024. This project will install state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure at a number of NB schools to monitor the dramatic and sudden modifications to the upper atmosphere associated with the eclipse. These high-value atmospheric measurements will provide rare insight into many open-ended scientific questions pertaining to eclipse-induced atmospheric modifications, while students throughout NB will have an exciting opportunity to participate in numerous EclipseNB activities such as infrastructure installation, data analysis, and scientific research. The infrastructure of EclipseNB is a provincial network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers to monitor the electrically charged plasma of the upper atmosphere during the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is a both a stunning celestial phenomenon and a rare opportunity to study numerous fundamental physical processes in the atmosphere and near-Earth space that are activated by a sudden and localized reduction in solar radiation. EclipseNB is ideally situated along the eclipse totality path to provide valuable measurements for ground-breaking scientific research, and to garner interest in young New Brunswickers in space physics, technology and engineering. EclipseNB installations are designed to be non-intrusive, with minimal impact on the sites involved. Installations include a self-contained enclosure that houses the GNSS receiver, a small single-board computer, and a cellular modem, as well as a receiving antenna mounted on a small pole with a clear view of the sky. The outdoor antenna is connected to the receiver with a low-loss RF cable. The sole requirement of hosting sites is electrical power, an indoor location to house the equipment enclosure, and an outdoor location to mount the antenna. Data collected by EclipseNB instruments will be stored on servers at UNB RSPL. The instrument will remain running after the solar eclipse in April 2024 and allow facilitating further research and education.


Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
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