“Electromechanical ELF Transmitters for Wireless Communications in Conductive Environments (ePoster)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Evaluation of uBlox GPS Receivers Performance”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2020.
, “Frequency Estimation Techniques”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2020.
, , “HamSCI Distributed Array of Small Instruments Personal Space Weather Station (DASI-PSWS): Architecture and Current Status (Invited)”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Santa Fe, NM (Virtual), 2020.
, “HamSCI PSWS Overview and Status”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2020.
, “HamSCI: Space Weather Operational Resources and Needs of the Amateur Radio Community”, in American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2020.
, “HamSCI – The Ionosphere from your Backyard”, in HamCation, Orlando, FL, 2020.
, “Hands-On-SDR: TangerineSDR”, QEX, pp. 10-15, 2020.
, “HF Propagation Measurement Techniques and Analyses”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2020.
, “Into the Ionosphere: Real-Time Aurora Mapping Through Citizen Science (ePoster)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “The Language of Amateur Radio (ePoster)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed using HamSCI Amateur Radio, SuperDARN, and GNSS TEC”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed using HamSCI Amateur Radio, SuperDARN, GNSS TEC, and Ionosondes”, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Santa Fe, NM (Virtual), 2020.
, “LC-PSWS Engineering Status ”, ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference. ARRL-TAPR, Virtual, 2020.
, “Let’s Push the Exploration of the Ionosphere to The Next Level (Invited)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Live Aurora Network”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Magnetometer Support for the Personal Space Weather Station and Related Projects”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Neutral Winds in the Equatorial Thermosphere as Measured With the SOFDI Instrument (ePoster)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “A new CHAIN site in New Brunswick: low‐cost HF and GNSS instruments for Solar Eclipse 2024”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Nikola Tesla – The Pioneer who Paved the Road to the World and Ham Radio as We Know It (Invited Tutorial)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Novel methods for characterizing ionospheric irregularities in the high-latitude ionosphere (ePoster)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Observations and Modeling Studies of the Effects of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on SuperDARN HF Propagation”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Observing Radio Signals of Auroral Origin (Invited Tutorial)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
, “Operating Auroral Mode Ham Radio (Invited Tutorial)”, in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.